Free Fire Pro Podcast

UPDATE: The INDIA Problem, Is OB 33 postponed?, and MORE!

Free Fire Pro Podcast Season 1 Episode 20

What is Free Fire doing about the INDIA SERVER. Could they be delaying the release of OB 33 as a result of what's happening?

Hello, and welcome to the free fire pro podcast. I'm Deb venture, and I'm here with trash man and flame Carver. And over on the sticks, bees, berserker gaming. He doesn't even know his name guys. Zercher uh, all right. So buzzer gave it over there and we're talking about, well, guys, I've got, I've got to talk about something that I'm a little bit frustrated about and free fire.

It's not actually with. Free fire. Well, we'll talk about, so here's the thing that's happened. Let's go revisit what's happened in the past is of course in February free fire was banned in India, right? So it was abandoned India. It was bad with 54 other apps because it's got some Chinese connection, but it doesn't really have Chinese connection.

And when it got banned, what happened is free. Fire was removed and free fire max has been left. So all the Indian social media is now free fire maximum. That's official, but it creates a major problem for us because the three of us in particular streamers and we stream the game on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, what else would we stream on Tik TOK?

Wherever we can tick tock, Instagram. Um, I stream on Travon D live stream on Buddha app.  it's like MIMO TV. There's all kinds. Yeah. There's kind of, there's kind of all kinds of them, but. W I want to discuss it. This, that the difficulties that, that creates for us as streamers, what it's frustrated, but because we we've talked about half of the daily or monthly users were in India, 45 million out of 75 million monthly users were in India.

So what happens when that ban happens is essentially half the player base loses access to the game. Now, thankfully, I don't think the service had been shut down yet, so they can still play free fire max, that it hasn't been. But if you only had access to free fire head device, that only had free fire you're out.

Right. And really you could still play it until the next update, which is on March 23rd is the next update. So I think that come March 23rd, free fires either got a launch, a whole nother game, an Indian version of the game. They've got to get unbanned or all of those other devices are going to lose access to free fire.

Yeah. Well, I mean, I'm just sitting here thinking though, realistically in two weeks, do you see the Indian version of free park? Well, let me talk about this. So w I, we did a release this today. I'm going to talk with  releases is a day early. I release a day because here's why I made a video day. I think you made a video today, flame Carver about the advanced server.

What happened when you went to the website? I didn't go to the website. Okay. When you go to the website way to go way to ruin my bed. When you go to the website right now, the website is not working. It says error and it always has worked for, it's always just counting down to the next day. So it was supposed to say March 10th, March 10th, we would get access to the advanced server for one week, which if you don't know what the advanced server is, tell us a little about what it was.

The advanced server, the advanced servers, basically just. That people can play on with the new updates before they're released to the main game. So like they don't update stuff early when there's still problems with it. So it doesn't break their game. Yeah. And what are some of the things that are new in the game that we get to see in the advance?

Uh, character's weapons are basically, it's a showcase of what's coming for the next season of the gameplay. So it's big thing for us. I know you're on there every night for sure. Choking. I love it. I love showcasing, but here's the problem it's supposed to come out. And just a couple of days from now, which means everyone's supposed to be able to go there and register on Facebook to get potential access and for regular players, they can, they, we get it because we're influencers, we get access, but regular players can sign up to help find bugs in the.

But now there's no access to that. You can't sign up. I think now let me just say this. You guys get to work with you. I'll throw this to  though. Do you guys, I think maybe they're going to stall on OB 33 because if they do and they changed the game on March 23rd, free fire will be inaccessible to all those Indian players who do not have a device to play free for max.

What do you think? Are we going to be, it would be a very smart move to do. I don't know. Like, can they stall it? Like, that's the question? Can they stall it against the government by not doing it up to? Well, I mean, they don't have to do the update, right? This is their game, their update, but I mean, they, it, to me, if I was Mr.

Free fire, I mean, Lord willing, I will be a someday, right. Our own free fire. Um, you know, that's the way I would think. I would want to delay any kind of changes until I figure out what's going on with the Indian government. Um, the, you know, the government of Singapore reached out to India and said, Hey, what's going on?

This is a Singapore game. It's owned by a Singapore national, what are you doing? And so I know there's a lot happening. So I think. I think they're trying to work this out. What do you think Flipkart? I think they're trying to figure this out and maybe are stalling the release of, of OB 23. Yeah, definitely.

That'd be a very smart play to get their game back before dropping any new updates and making the Indian fillers players feel like they're missing out on something right now, we probably should check. Why don't you grab your phone and check and see, go to FF dot advanced, uh, FF dash advance. Dot and see, because maybe it's working now, but it hasn't been working for two days for Zercher you're new to the game.

What do you think as someone who's played other games, do you think maybe there's some kind of, I don't want to say like secret behind the scene strategy, but it sounds like, I think it's a smart business maneuver to maybe put that off. Okay. So look at cyberpunk 20, 77. Look how many times that got delayed, right.

And, and the truth is it didn't actually hurt the game. Right. It got delayed. The update that was coming out, they had a beta that released, but it didn't actually hurt the game. People still love the game. I think delaying it in an effort, right. To make sure that they can include right. The Indian server in the update.

Like maybe get it back on the app. Stores is a smart play by Carina because truthfully, if you thinking about it, that's, that's a big market that they're going to miss out on. If they can't get it worked out with the new. Yeah, by the way, on the cyber punk thing, me and you're throwing 50 cups after this.

Not, that's not how you launch something in any way. No, it was, I mean, it was, there's no question. It was Tara like cyber punk. It was so terrible. How many times they delayed that game's release and what happened in some of it. Developer issues, you know, massively glitchy when the server crash, Ms. Tyra punk 2077.

That's why we thought we were going to getting seven. They might actually put out a good game. Yeah, that's true. So flame Carver here went to F F dash advanced dot F And what it says is what's been saying for today's server is not found server busy and the cool picture of like high. And all the information about how you sign up and register, which has normally been there other than like two days ago, it was there it's missing.

And so I, we haven't heard anything from them. Usually we're told as influencers that the advanced service come and expect your codes. That's coming. That's supposed to be here on the 10th. We're two days away from it. Mum is the worst crickets. Yeah. I think that we're going to find out that the  or at least it has been moved.

I I'm, I'm just saying it. You're hearing it here first. No one else in the world is broke. This news. This is, this is dad venture. Originally. I've been thinking about this all day, as I've been watching this, I made a couple of videos about it. And so I think that's where we're at. Right? I have a thought, as you were sitting here discussing this that maybe, you know, free fire could take this as another.

If they don't do an update in India, um, what could they, could they still do hot patches and all their other servers to still kind of sneak through? Yeah. Well, I mean, if they can update free fire Macs, technically without updating free fire, because they are two different games on the game store, but you can't, it would be hard.

You see, the problem is you cannot, the game is that it has whatever, what's the, what's the connection. There is some kind of special connection between the games that allow you to have the exact same character, both games. I think the problem is you can't play the same character at the same place because there's gonna be new skins, new, uh, new, uh, new guns.

And so you're really stuck. And I think the problem is the genius. Whereas you could play free fire or free fire max, and your accounts could be linked. Now, I think they're going to have to unlink the accounts. I think they're going to have to make free fire Max's own game and free fire. It's its own game, because if they don't get banned in India, I don't know that they're going to have the ability to be able to cross play the games like they used to, which I think they're trying to figure all this out and that's why it's been mum's the word.

Yeah. And you're, you're talking about the fire link. There's put together now, another interesting thing too. What about the. Uh, people are calling on pub G did you see that they're calling on pubs either like, Hey, Puggy made it through the band's. Why pugs? Well, they're called, they're definitely calling up up to you to ban.

Which, what do you think about public? You get man playing Gover. I don't know. It seems a little fishy. Yeah. I mean, it's, they've already been banned well that's right. So it makes sense if they get banned again and all they did was put pubs you back out and slept the night, the word MD on it to try to get through a few things.

And that's what people are thinking. It's gonna just come out with a free fire in. Which is going to get into India centric version of the game, which is fine. I think that'd be great. Actually, I would be fine if they did that with every server, like there was a free fire Europe in the, like, that'd be fine with me.

I would still have a server account there, but here's why it affects us as influencers more so than we have Indian fans more so than we were on social media. The problem for us is when we stream a game, we have to choose. Which, which game we're playing. So if I'm on Facebook, I have to choose I'm playing free fire.

I have to choose I'm playing Elden ring, or I have to choose I'm playing war zone. I found on YouTube. I also have to pick which game I'm playing. If I'm on Twitch, I have to pick which game I'm playing, because I want the people from that community to know I'm alive playing that game. The problem is for us, this same thing on Trevo same thing on D live anywhere.

What's the biggest, what's the biggest problem there because now there's free Pharmax and free fire. Why, why is that? It's listing it as two different games and go into two different groups of audience. So if you know, we got people that we have fans that play with us and we can see it when we do custom rooms that are playing max in with the free fire people and stuff like that.

But if it's only. If, you know, Carver's watching free fire, then it's only pushing the notification for free fire to Carver. Now I know subscribers and stuff, same, but like those unique, those new viewers that are coming in it's it's bottle-necking right. And I think that's a big problem. Cause when we go live on Facebook, what does it say?

Flame? Carver is what playing up free. Fire alive. Yeah. Play it a free fire live. So if I'm playing a different game, dad venture is playing call of duty war zone live. So when, when people get notifications. They get notification saying that. So the problem is if I'm in India and I'm playing free fire Macs only now, am I going to go watch free fire?

I think people will for a time, but what happens when the  update comes back? Are you going to watch an older version of the game? I don't think so. I don't think we were arguing. You play free fire. And I'm wondering for us, like, it doesn't really affect us as much on Facebook. Right. But on YouTube, they had both games are listed separately with different creation dates.

And so how do you, well, you said flame, Carver, you were managing this. How are you trying to manage this right now? How I'm currently, we are trying to work around this situation as I'm every other upload uploading on the other. To try to give, like, try to hit both audiences. So I upload one is green and free fire.

One is green fire green and free fire Macs. So I just alternate so I can hit both the audiences. I don't enjoy doing that, but I have to, to get both audiences. Right. Yeah. And, and so that's, that's the way that you ha you can handle it. Um, but Zuercher has a new place. Where are you investing your time in, in free fire?

Are you playing on free fire, Maddox, you playing on free fire? I'm pretty much planning on free fire. Pharmax exclusively. Like I actually don't even play on the standard free fire anymore, especially because using the emulator with BlueStacks. I just liked the graphics more. I mean, the flame Carver. And I've talked about this before.

I think free fire max is. I know, I know dad venture, you said it's been glitchy for you playing on emulator. It's been smooth for me and the graphics are knockout. I mean, it's, it's like, it's almost like playing a PC client version of the game, which is nice. Yeah, no, it makes sense. And so that's kind of where we, we come to with, with really all of this is how does this affect us for me?

It affects us significantly when you're streamers and we're trying to grow audience, we're trying to promote a game as part of what we do as influencers, which is trying to promote the game moving forward. And so when we look at that, it's really hard to have that ability when you have to choose between one game or the other, and our audience then becomes.

It's like our audience becomes split. When you have a split audience, it's really hard to notify half of your audience. And, and, and with, with me, like I'm on YouTube. I've, I've got 64,000 followers on YouTube. I don't want half of my audience to be not notified because I'm playing a different version of the same game, but I think that's what's happening is you have to choose one of these.

It does change the way that promotions go out. It changes the way the notifications go out. It's not so much on Facebook. I think they're going to have to do something. Cause all the streamers I've been watching have really been struggling to get views lately. And I think it's because of Facebook is a huge audience for Indian streamers and Indian audience.

And now with the changes, it's been really brutal for some of these streamers to get, to get views. I think I would agree with that and it, I think, yeah. Like, not only do you know, places like YouTube and Facebook have algorithms that we're trying to hit. So now you're trying to hit that and it just got split.

So now you're trying to hit that on two different levels and still try to target the same audience in two different ways. Like, it's it, it's got to, I mean, I'd say if we went over some of these, these streamers and looked at their numbers from, let's say 90 days ago until now, like I think you're going to see a significant down, right?

Yeah, no, I think so. I mean, I watched the street where I was going to tell them. I was on the phone with him. And there was a stream that had been live for 12 hours and only had like 459 likes on the video that is, that's not good stream. Like it's just not, and they're like 700 comments that you have a thousand comments on Facebook.

You can get that in an hour or less. So it was like, wow. When I looked at you like 13 people watching live, and this is a streamer who's regularly had hundreds and well over a thousand minutes. Just as I've had in the past. And what happens is the algorithm goes up and down. It's brutal. Facebook's algorithm is brutal.

And so it'd be interesting to know what our viewers, people who watch the free fire pro podcast are listening in. What do you, what do you play on? Like where are you going to spend your time moving forward? Because we really, as streamers as the free fire pro podcast team, mazurka trash man, flame, Carver, myself.

We've got to figure out like, where are we going to start tagging free fire max? Is that the trendy thing right now? Or do we track the old version of free. Or did we split like flame, Carver has been doing, do we split this, the server and just do both and social. So for me, it's a little frustrating right now, and we're not hearing a lot of feedback from free fire.

Right. Have we heard a bunch of anything? No, we haven't heard a lot. No, it's been like, mum's the word? Like it's ghost town. Yep. Um, and so I would love to know what's going on. I'd love to know be how to plan my street. I think I'm gonna have to ask free fire. Hey, what are we going to do? Because this does make it difficult, but for you that are, that are listening and watching.

Thanks for being followers of the free fire pro podcast. Make sure to check us out on our socials, go to our website, free fire pro podcast,, where we'll be having diamond codes this month and giveaways and interacting with you with articles there, you can also listen to the podcast there and you can catch us all live there, actually.

So, uh, when we go live, I know at least when flame and I go live we're out where streams are set up, that you can watch us live. And so enjoy connecting with us and let us know. Free fire max, moving forward for you or free fire. Thanks for listening. We'll catch you on the next episode of the free fire pro podcast.

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