Free Fire Pro Podcast


Free Fire Pro Podcast Season 1 Episode 18

DADVENTURER, BZRKR, and TRASHMAN discuss the new character credit points system to deal with hackers and toxic players. How will this affect the gameplay, streamers, hackers, and more?

welcome to the free fire pro podcast. I'm dad venture. I'm here with trash man and  and we are guys, I got breaking news. Now this is no one in the world is talking about this except one exclusive company who got four knowledge. And usually Trashman, you know, this we're always behind the Indian server.

They always find everything out early. Yeah. With the recent ban India. I feel like for the first time ever we're on the front lines of having some information in the game, or at least pretty close. I mean, I'm not seeing anything else coming from any other servers being pushed out. Well, Brazil is still ahead of us.

Cause you know, Brazil is now probably the largest server. There's 10 headshot compilations all day. I mean, no, I mean, yeah, they got some news, so they got some new shows and here's what's happening. You got me on the edge of my seat. Tell me, tell me. The the game, I don't know the official name of this yet, but coming to free fire in OB 34, which is the next advanced server coming out is a, what they're calling the free fire credit system.

It is a character update, but it's not characters. As in the characters in the game, it was characters in like, are you a good or bad person? Do you have good character or bad character? And so it's a free fire credit system, which is going to reward players for good behavior the game. And it's going to punish players for bad behavior in the games.

This is it? How does that work? Like, do you help little old ladies across the street while you're playing the game? Like in game, can you add little old ladies in the game, but that baby, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe it'll be 35, maybe that no else coming in the game as old lady. So that sounds awful in a way.

Yeah. I mean, it's, don't shoot the old lady. That's a no, no, no. That's not immediate band. So do you think this kind of thing is a good thing? Um, they're going to reward people for not doing bad things, bad things, being. Um, forced, forced disconnect. I don't know exactly know what that means. What's that leading a game early, not AFK.

FK just, as you go, you go away. Um, um, basically if you get banned, if you get reported to me times, that'll go against you. And then if you, if they detect any hacks, the skin hacks, any of that kind of stuff, that'll actually result in a loss of points, which I have some thoughts about what I'll share this with you.

So you'll lose points for that. You lose points for toxic behavior. You lose points for bullying, people, um, saying mean things in the chat that watch all of that stuff. So you'll lose points and they can go from one to four points per loss, no maximum loss per day. So it can, you just adds up against you every time you get in trouble.

They'll add more negative points. And so that's just going to be a point system from one to a hundred. What do you think? I mean, it sounds good in theory, I want to see it in practice though. Cause it seems like it. South is where it could go. So I would, I would want to know what the appeal process is, right?

Cause like, what if you're a streamer appeal process, but what if you're a streamer? And somebody's like, what if, what if you get your account banned venture? End-users shredding people with, with headshots and everybody's like, damn, man, I just don't want to see you do this. Cause you killed me seven times and they give me negatives and I get, I get bad.

That'd be horrible. Streamers, get, you didn't know, you didn't give me the diamonds for the game and giveaway. So that's going to be the one free fire. Didn't give me the thing that they were supposed to give me that would happen. That would be what kind of safeguards they have set up to make sure that they're protecting.

I don't know. What I saw did not have anything to do with safeguards. I'm hoping that as influencers, we would have safe guards of just going back directly to free fire. But I don't know that everybody's going to have that. I see some really good things, but. Other games have similar, uh, mobile legends is a game.

We've all played. Mobile. Legends is a great game, but they have a reward system where if you go AFK, you get negative points. You go FK again. Negative. He was about a third time. You're banned for a period of time, or until you go play other game modes of gain, gain your credit. But I remember I was playing this and the big headache of that too, was not playing with your teammates because remember I got banned three separate times simply because I was not next to everybody.

So while trying to flank or move around. I was getting banned because I wasn't with yeah. You weren't, you weren't playing appropriately for your caution. Yeah. Um, yeah. So according to the mobile apps, I D I didn't see anything in here that says you have to, you have to play a certain way. It's more about being toxic or not toxic, but, uh, for sure.

And so, as we look at this, um, here, let me share with you some things. So if you have a perfect score, you will get rewarded weekly. So if you have a hundred. And you've got no score reductions for the week. The deductions for the week, you'll get a bonus. There'll be a reward in the game. Some deal. I mean, it was probably a crate with, um, the gun crate with five chances to get a gun with like 24 hours on it.

I don't think those are very exciting rewards, but that's usually the rewards, um, uh, at score of 90 or below will result in a band from CS ranked. So that's, I mean, I like CS, right? So that's, I can see them. If you, if you have three games where you're toxic, you're now out of CS, right? Wow. You're going to get rid of hackers real quick.

Yeah. Or up to Annie. Uh, you know, if you can go all week without being deemed toxic, how about 50 diamonds to let them see an overnight gene? That's right. He wouldn't do it real estate. If you have a score below 80, you'll get kicked out of CS. Um, classic and battle Royale. Classic. So that's pretty good.

Now it doesn't say nowhere. What I read this battle Royale ranked you will get kicked out of until you're below 60 a and at 60 you'll get banned out of all team modes and all ranked modes. So you have to play solo and you have to play in other like solo, basically classic to try to earn credit. To get back up into the high enough levels, but you can only get like four credits a case.

It's going to take a while. If you get banned, if you get bad, deep, you're, it's going to be a miserable time to get back up there. Yeah. And I don't know that to me, the numbers seem a little bit high, just, just saying like the 90 lose 10 points and you're already out of, you said squad. Yeah. I mean the perfect score thing.

I think, I think I've never had a game with has a credit system where you get a perfect score even in, because. I was playing mobile legends and I went AFK because my internet went out and then I lost credits that has got bad for five minutes. Like that's not my fault. That's going to happen in free fire.

This game has people all over the world with low connectivity. They go AFK all the time. I think there's some dangers and flaws in this. But I do overall think the system's a good idea. What do you think preserving? Yeah, I mean, I, I, I think it's a novel concept. I mean, I I've always wanted that in every game.

I mean, I've always wanted some kind of behavioral point system that, that filters out hackers. I think that's one of the things free fire's really been good about is banning hackers. Right? Well, how many did they ban the last that, like the last week it was like for another 3.7, seven, five. You think about it?

Most like 15 million was crazy companies don't have to do that because every user that they have adds to their, you know, basically their kitty, their pool, their, I mean, they have finances. There's tons of hackers. Exactly. And I, you know, I would leave if they don't do they go above and beyond, I would leave free fire because it's already got a ton of hackers.

So knowing that they're cleaning up, the hackers just makes me happy. Yeah. I mean, how many I left another game to start playing free fire because I was so sick. I I, you did too. Like we were so sick of playing a different game wars out at the time that they weren't cleaning up the hackers at all, they would clean up like six one, 200,000 a year and free fires doing 200,000 a day.

It just doesn't even make it. It's not even similar. So I, I like that. They're trying to clean up the game. Yeah. I mean, I, how many, how many have they banned in the past? Close to 10 mil. I mean, it's crazy that they did a 1.1 million in November. They did another 3.4 million in December, just a few weeks ago.

4.2 million. Exactly. So now they're doing another three point million. Like I know there's millions of millions of millions that are playing worldwide, but that's really great. I mean, that does put you together. You said back in December that they were instituting anti hack system that was going into play.

And that like the big thing that people do a lot, they don't necessarily hack for, for aim bots, but they. The clothing, they can get free, uh, like skin tools, where they allowed whatever they want. And they said, we're going to be able to auto detect that you're going to get an instant three-day ban. And so they've been good about three-day bands, six day bands.

I just saw somebody got a 60 band with a counter on it and they have ramped up in the last six weeks. They have ramped up the bands, I think, getting ready for the credit system. They're trying to ban people and punish people. So when they come with this credit system, You're not going to get the outright ban.

You're just going to get a huge drop in numbers because then they keep users in the game, people paying for the game, people aren't getting all these new accounts. They just have to work their way back up. I feel like there's a lot of holes in the system, but hackers can obviously probably hack this and figure this out because like they can hack everything else, but it does give us a way for some hope.

I'm excited that they're doing this, although I think it's going to be a mess at first. Yeah. Inside of there. Go do it. I think it's a good start. I like the concept of it. I'd like to maybe see them go a little bit different route. Um, you remember when we were playing world war ships, they had a band system that was similar.

And as they caught you being a toxic or accidentally shooting your teammates, it would give you a warning. Then you would get your second and your third warning after that you had to set out for, I think, five or 10 minutes, because I kept shooting my own team, but. Yeah, but you, you like to run and gun and you get in the middle of like 18 people and just start, like, it's like fire, I know who I'm shooting at.

And that came, you're shooting way out in front and hoping somebody basically moves into, into the way, but it would, it would still work out because like you said, yes, you know exactly who you're shooting at. So if you're, if you're doing something, it would be obviously more blatant to the system. Oh, yeah.

That's just my thoughts on it. Well, here's what free fire's website actually says about how they determine who they ban and how they, they have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. They say, how do we define cheating using any unauthorized third party program, which is not released by Grina modifying the game client and, or playing in a modified game client in order to use the functions that are non-existent right.

I haven't done anything wrong to adventure. The problem is they've downloaded APKs to play the game on their phone. Which are hacked APKs so technically they haven't downloaded a third party apps, but they downloaded a hack program to play the game with. It's the same thing. Like when they come in and tell him no I'm using blue stacks, what?

Four points yet? Blues and blues decks. 4.24. That's a hacker version of BlueStacks because blue sacks is on 5.2. Something like you have to download a whole new program. And what they'll say is, well, I just have a really old. BlueStacks on the five is actually playable on more computers and BlueStacks for, so Susan says a reasonably sex work.

I'm like, you're a hacker. Yeah. I mean, this is really good. If you go on free fires website, FF, it has a whole list of the anti hack. Uh FAQ's for people. So if you're worried about your account getting banned, uh, or if you're worried that somehow you're going to be caught, your people are going to UN justly accused you of cheating.

Uh, there's a whole list of things that are on here. They review every, uh, every. And here's the thing though, is tell us they have physical evidence that you're cheating. It's not like some of you got reported a bunch of times when you're a cheater. If you get reported much time, you'd go into a queue, a human checks, the game footage.

And if you're actually cheating, you're banned permanently. Exactly. And anyone who tells us that we know they're hacking because free fire, does it ban somebody without physical. And they pay a lot of people I'm sure across the world to review these, this footage. So I just, I don't really worry about it.

I mean, that's question number three, right? That's question number three is free fire able to detect cheaters. Yes. We are able to, we are detecting and banning cheaters every day and they are, we're also constantly updating. We are also constantly upgrading our anti-hacking, which I think is great. So guess what?

You're out, but the free, the credit system may allow you to get back into the game. And so your put your hacker waste aside, start playing legitimately. Like we do hit some vests instead of getting all your red head shots from your hack programs and enjoy the game, just like we did. Yeah. Yeah. Don't be lame.

Is that being achieved? This is breaking news. I haven't heard anybody talk about this in north America or anywhere else across the globe, except for one little place in Brazil. It's going to be news everywhere soon. So we're going to release this episode, get it out there for all the. But know that the free fire credit system is coming and we might call it the free fire character system.

Uh, it just seems a little bit misconstrued because there's characters in the game. So I like the free, fair credit system. That's the name I hear it's going to be, but it's very similar to mobile legends, some other games and yay. Free fire. Good job. Keep innovating with, and since we're, since we're on the subject of light changes coming, what's the other big change that's coming.

Uh, the 23rd of the. Those are the big changes coming twice through this month, they're splitting their servers. They're screaming later. You're going to post this with this. Yes. They're making emulator players play emulator players and mobile players play ballparks. It's all part of this, this anti hack approach right now.

They're they're trying to make it more competitive. That's been the thing they told us. Everything's a balance of gameplay. They want to make it competitive game play. The reason why there's just too many hackers. We know this people have been getting banned in international tournaments and the free we're going to talk about in the next episode.

I think what's going on right now when the update with the free fire. Uh e-sports right now in the pro series. Um, what's happening is people get banned every time cause they're hackers. And so they've got to have real legitimate e-sports. You can't have hacking every, every time. And they've had to make an apology every time they've had a tournament and to this is this shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing either way, because too, this will help them sort hackers a lot more efficiently just for you've got the PCs and we've got the mobile so I can search on both, but also it takes.

You know, on phone, it's a lot easier to get one tab. Right. And on emulator, it's a lot, we are a lot faster moving around, looking at stuff than they are on phone. Right. So it kind of levels the playing field all the way across the board. Yeah, I think it does too. So I'm looking forward to the changes to come here.

I can't wait. We're going to try this. And I'm just a few days. I've got to try the advanced server and get, check this off early. The free fire credit system will be in the advanced server flyer. Stand. We'll get to try it out. And you know, here we go. What's a new, it's a new day coming soon, March 20. With free fire credit system and the advanced server and the emulator versus emulator and bubble versus mobile.

And we'll see wall there soon. Thanks for listening to this edition of the free fire pro podcast.

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