Free Fire Pro Podcast

A conspiracy in India against Free Fire?!? It it true? What's really going on? - Episode 12

Cyle Young Season 1 Episode 12

Dadventurer and Trashman discuss if there is more than what meets the eye with the Free Fire ban. Is another company pushing them out of India? Is it a coup?

Cyle Young:

Welcome to another special edition of the free fire pro podcast. I'm dad venture here at Golan with trash man again, and we're still following along with the saga that is playing out in India with free fire and the getting a band trash man.

Jake Rowe:

Yeah. And we've really got some some, some good news, some interesting thoughts, I guess, for you really gets you thinking about what might be going on behind the scenes.

Cyle Young:

And as we've talked about the last few episodes, we have been scouring the interwebs, trying to find out what's going on with our beloved game. When is it coming back to India and how does it affect us here in north America and all the other surface? And so, as we've been researching, we've been doing. We're like, what does investigative reporters right now? If that's how I feel? Trash, man.

Jake Rowe:

Yeah, for sure. I feel, I feel like, I feel like the people on CNN except I'm not, not probably paid as much as them for

Cyle Young:

sure. Peyton, anything at all. So yeah. But like, I feel like. In like offices, like searching to secret documents to try to uncover the conspiracy within is why free fire has been banned. And so I want to share with you what I'm learning on the internet, and we'll go try to put some pieces together. Maybe we're right, maybe we're wrong, but this is what it seems to be. People are, are alluding to in the stories that I've been reading. And a lot of these are from some like news outlets, video game outlets that cover news, this one's from the Indian express. It's a, let's go back to the beginning and then work our way to where we are now back in January, pub G the develop of pub G crafted, which is based out of South Korea, Sue filed lawsuit in the U S against Corina free fire and free fire Macs. And they also filed suit against apple and Android for carrying the gang. The what, what transmitted they, what they accused. Free fire and green I've do it as basically utilizing some of the same things in pub G in their game. Which name would be the hot drop at the beginning of the game, out of the airplane, the the frying pan and just different mechanics, different outfits, whatever. And you know how it is every game similar when it comes to that.

Jake Rowe:

Right. And now to know, correct me if I'm wrong on this, that came shortly after free fire pulled the majority market share in America, right?

Cyle Young:

Yeah. Actually, this didn't come too long. I didn't think about that. But we had the article we, you, and I just found the. That said that as of it's one of my metrics, things I actually used still have it up here on a, on a, on a tab, you know, I keep all my tabs open all the time. That's one of the things you told me I shouldn't do, but I do. So I have a tab with all that information somewhere. Here it is right here. So this company right here, it's actually a internet research company. It's called sensor tower sensor tower has information saying that as of this year or actually as of last year, free fire surpassed in the us where we live surpass. Pub G and grossing, which means making more money per, per game. And so that's a big deal. Cause pub G has been a big game in the U S and no one's really heard of free fire, but as free fires growing there, they've kind of supplanted pub G in the U S so it makes sense. Actually, I didn't, I didn't put that into my equation, but we got to add that in the equation. Thanks for. Yeah, I think why that lawsuit's probably happening. Wow. I didn't even think about this. Jasmine, why the lawsuit probably happens because they have been replaced in the U S in, in money and they're losing money and she didn't share it or free fire. So they Sue them in the U S to basically try to get some of that money back and try to stop the losses. They Sue the companies that are making the game available to consume. Wow. That's like, I didn't even

Jake Rowe:

expect that. And it's not the first time that a, of G and craft has done this. I mean, they've, they've went at it with a bout every other battle Royale game. And it is one of those things like pub G was not the first battle Royale game. It was just the first pup battle Royale game that got very big, very fast. So, I mean, they want to keep their money. They like, they want to keep their

Cyle Young:

money. I think. Yeah. Like you said, they've sued everybody. I think they sold some six year old kid named Mike named Toby in Arkansas. Who, who created a roadblocks battery out game. Cause there was a parachute. I don't know. I'm just kidding. You don't Sue me. But. But truthfully, like that doesn't make sense. I don't know if that's the correlation is real enough to be like something to think about, but it does make you wonder is the sensor tower of metrics basically revealing the craft and out to anybody who's causing them to lose money. And it could be because let me tell you some more, what I found out, because it does that actually fits really well with what I was going to tell you. So when I was researching all this. One of the things that's happened is when pub G was banned. Pub G got banned from India in 2024 being owned by a Chinese company, along with like 118 apps. And so mobile legends and their game, I love to play. I got banned into, but pub G has come. It has come back into India, but pub G has come back into India with an Indian version of the game called battlegrounds mobile India. It's essentially pub. But as an Indian version of the game was kind of Indian culture and India kind of ethnos in the game. And, and so, and I think they, they ended up selling shares that were Chinese and dressed to coming back and kind of, kind of jumping through the Indian government's hoops so they could get back in the country. That game came back recently, trash man. And so now. We have in January a month before this drought free fire getting banned Kraft and sous apple, Google, and free fire. They have released battlegrounds mobile India, and now they've somehow got free fire ban from the country, which free fire like doubled in price. When pub G left India, it was a void for, for battle Royale games. And so what free fire didn't get banned? And so they just rose. I mean, they went from like$125 a share in the stock market to three 90, a share between 20, 20 and 2121. They made so much money and then spread all over the globe. So what it seems like could be happening is that pub G and craft are trying to get the market share back. And one of the ways that you do that, As you got to move free fire out of the way. And with no free fire means all these players who, who, who, who can't play it any other way, but on a mobile device, have nothing due to, but to choose the best competitor, which is BG. I that's, that's the story I'm reading on the web right now that this seems to be, and it, when pub G was banned, Trashman speaking. They had two weeks notice that they were going to get banned before they got pulled out. They had two weeks after that for the servers were put down free fire had no notice. As far as we know, there was no public notice. Like with pudgy, it was in the darkness of night on the weekend. Boom game has gone. Yeah,

Jake Rowe:

no, no. We were sitting there. I mean, we were sitting there live stream and when we started getting this all blown up in the chat, which has spawned this, this going on and. This is literally this perfect metaphor right here of the tables have turned like complete 180, because now. You know, pub G was down and out in India for nine months. So free fire. I'm sure free fire was running it as hard as they could in India. And now the tables are turned and free. Fire is no longer in the game and it's pub G's turn. So, you know, pub G's out to get them somewhere here. But as you was reading that off to me of what's got, you know, Start at what's you started happening in India. I was having trouble, you know, trying to figure out like, wait, is he talking about the U S again? Cause these two stories are starting to sound very similar.

Cyle Young:

They are starting to sound very similar. I hadn't put that piece together. I know we had seen that piece before, but that you start putting the pieces together. You start wondering, is there a bigger. Like, like conspiracy at hand here to get free fire out. You know, how much I left before I left the firefighters were really good to me. I'm a fan of free fire. I want this to be resolved. I've got an account in India, so I have some skin in the game, so to speak, even though I don't live in India. I mean, I've got to lose an account that I spent a good bit of money in. And so I don't want that to happen. Now, the game currently, while we're we're recording this still playable on free Pharmax. So you can play it and you can play it an ambulator as well as phones, free products, we don't know how long that could change any day that could be done tomorrow. It could be done, you know, that that could be done. But as I, as we think this through. Any chance to remove free fire, the biggest game in India, the most profitable game in India, any chance to remove them allows any big competitor, an opportunity to just explode in profitability and truthfully it might be good. Trashman I mean, I'm not I'm not a financial advisor. It might be good to buy some crafted stock, right? Because if, if what happened with free fire happens with the company. That, that that company you'll make 150, 200% on whatever stock you have. So there, you know, whatever big competitor takes off, it's going to make a lot of money and in less free fire can get back in market and keep the market. And that's going to be hard unless there's some something we don't know going on free fire has been awfully quiet, which makes me think maybe something's going on because it was a permanent ban or at least a ban for an extended period of time. I would've thought free fire would have said more by now, but let me, let me add a little bit onto this. Let me add a little bit icing on this, this crazy cake, right? This is what I found. As I was reading through article after article about what's going on in the e-sports industry side of it, because, you know, they just finished the winner, the winner competition tournament. And in India, people are getting ready to play, play in the pro series. They can qualify for the free fire world series. And now India is like shut down. And so here's what happened. Speaking on the ban of green and free fire, low cash Suji, not my other local. He is the director of e-sports Federation of India and the vice president of the Asian e-sports Federation. He said this, all right, it's a long one to stick with me, but the very end of it kinda kind of makes me go. Is there something more going on? Listen to this. He said it has come as a bolt from the blue, for the Indian e-sports community, especially for the much popular, free fire. E-sports. We have been competing at national and international platforms and connecting with their fans through the virtual setups. However, there is no need to be disappointed. Yes, there is. Some of these guys have 28 million followers. We believe this will diversify the gaming industry. As new players will be introduced and we'll encourage homegrown video gaming developers. Now, basically what I said, don't be discouraged by. All your famous rich well-known free fire players. They'll be replaced by others in our country with other games that does not give me comfort, but that's not the focus about talking about, I just think that's that's, that's not comforting if you're total gaming. It does sound like, yeah. We're to make, we're still gonna have these sports, no matter what the next part is, what kind of gets me like saying, allowing them to curate games based on Indian. Ethos and culture and showcase Indian capabilities when it comes to developing world-class video games. What it sounds like he's saying to me is no worry, the free fires band we want. We there's going to be new people playing new Indian focused games, such as he does. But he might as well said, battlegrounds mobile India, because it focuses on the culture and the ethos of India. That's why it's focused on being battlegrounds and mobile India. And so that to me makes me feel. Maybe there is some kind of conspiracy gone against free fire to get it out of the country, to get more Indian focused version of games to take root. And we're seeing that in a lot of countries, that's what Bangladesh banned free fire and other games. And he canceled the server because they thought youth were playing, playing those games too much and not focusing on their studies and the culture of their, their country. This seems to be something that's rallying up in across the world. What are your thoughts on that?

Jake Rowe:

Well, first off, Paint a little picture for everybody. So they don't think that we're just these crazy coops that are sitting in our office right now wearing, you know, aluminum, foil helmets. These two companies, this isn't a friendly rivalry at all. Is it that venture, they hate each other?

Cyle Young:

Well, the fan bases do not like each other and you're there for free fire or you're for pub G some people play both but not many. Most people have.

Jake Rowe:

I mean, how many times have we been just LA like streaming and someone just pumps in and jumps in and it's just like free fire socks,

Cyle Young:

better terrible. Your noob new day. Go to pub G all the time.

Jake Rowe:

So they hate, they hate each other. And this late listening to this now, cause I didn't know all of these details and in dead venture knows what I used to do. So he knows where I'm starting to make clicks. This sounds like some like underhanded, like mafia making deals with people behind the scenes behind doors. You know, you, you take out the free fire gang and we'll move on on Tuesday type

Cyle Young:

stuff, right? Yeah. I mean, so I think that there's other people that have spoken into this with quotes, but like the big thing to me is. It doesn't sound like any of them think this is going to be over quick. They're all saying these are people who know these are people in the e-sports community, the world e-sports cup in e-sports premier league says he, he hopes he's waiting for a positive and quick resolution, but this does raise some concerns. And then Segarra NAI, air co-founder of the CCO to land the gamer social network. He says unfortunately it's mostly a wait and wait and watch game here until we learn. But we've seen this happen with pub G ban and we had to learn from it. It seems like it may be a long drawn battle to bring back the game. That's not hope-filled no, that doesn't make me excited to think. Oh yeah, it's gonna be back in a month. Like, like like facts of free fire says in our last episode, it seems like it's going to be an extended, steady way to the circumstances that are gonna cause this game to come back and probably not here in the short term,

Jake Rowe:

I would, I would make good money. Good money says that it's not coming back in a month. I mean, That would be nothing short of miraculous, Cal for them to like, cause governments don't move fast with anything like this. And for them to get banned on a, on a random, random Sunday, you know, and flip it around by, in 30 days, time to back being in the servers, the odds are astronomical there. I mean, I, I really hope free fire had that ACE in there. I don't think they do.

Cyle Young:

I don't think they do. And I think that they're going to have to figure something out, but we, it does seem like there's more to the story about what's going on than anything that we could anticipate. And so did the removal from the app stores of free fire coincides a month after the Crafton lawsuit? It just seems a little, it seems a little like opportunities. And maybe that one, you know, one led to the other in one way or another. And there's probably a lot of licensing fees for games and company countries' taxes and all those types of things. It's hard to know, no accusations being made. I love free fire. I want free. But a lot of what's been going on with crafted over the last month seems just really fishy right now. And it seems like that could be an opportunity for crafted and it's game to just become the dominant game in India. And I'll be honest with you. If that game has nine months a year, like free fire had to take to take the top of India, it's going to be hard for any game to come back and take over. And that's, I think that's the truth and reality of life and gaming. And so it'll be interesting to see what happens with free

Jake Rowe:

fire. So when you think, you know, kind of, what, what do you think would be the absolute best case scenario, and then I'll hit you with, what do you think like absolute worst case scenario is in this right now?

Cyle Young:

Absolute best, absolute, best case. Free fire puts dad venture in the game and pays it venture the game. They pay me a lot of money to be a spokesperson for them all across the globe. And they put a racing mode in the game to make me happy because I like to race and they

Jake Rowe:

name it after you the day

Cyle Young:

battlegrounds dad, venture of India, that'd be fine. That's the best case. I think the best case, I think the best case scenario for people is that hopefully. Free fire has been communicated to by the Indian government. They need to make certain changes. I'm guessing that those changes are they have to sell any stock that is owned by Chinese investors, which we know is 20% of the parent company C. And the problem is that that stock just keeps bottoming out. So selling that as a permanent loss, there's no way to recoup a regain that buy stocks go up. That's going to be really hard for sea limited to do. And so as much as free fire players want that to have. We also have to understand that if that's, if that stock were to solidify, that might be an option, but no, one's going to just take a 50. Well, right now it's like a$30 million loss. No, one's going to take a$30 billion loss just to save the game for you and me. That's not the way companies work. This is a product. So I think the best case scenario that's, that's not going to happen. The game's going to have a temper. Setback they've they've they can sell a certain amount. It seems like from some of the articles, I've read that they sell a certain portion, maybe another 7% of their stocks it's owned by a Chinese company. So the Chinese company has, which has 10 cent has less ownership and less voting that they may be able to reestablish himself. And that, to me, that that could happen. Three months. That's probably the best case scenario. Probably more likely a year is probably the worst case scenario. And the worst case scenario is permanent. This is not gonna come back. I don't think that's realistic. I think it's probably nine months to a year is probably the realistic scenario.

Jake Rowe:

Yeah. I agree with you. And I, I think too, like obviously this, this is kind of a transfer of money thing. People, people are losing money. People want money. That's what a lot of it is seeming to come out to. But if we missed anything on these episodes, or you're wondering how we get to this point of me, me and dad, venture discussing what might be some rumors and a little bit of corporate espionage behind the scenes go back, feel free to check out our, our previous podcasts, all episodes streaming on the India event. And you can go over to the free fire. Refire and check us out over there with all our news articles.

Cyle Young:

That'd be great. We look forward to having you join us on the next episode of free fire pro podcast.

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